Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Doors of Opportunity

In preparation for my upcoming role with Student Life this summer, I decided to browse the racks at LifeWay for a new book to use as a Bible study. I hit up the women's section - which was basically a giant glaring reminder that I am single, unwed, and childless - and took a sharp detour over to Christisn Growth. There are so many different ways to grow; grow in peace, grow in love, grow in financial stability, grow in trust, grow in faith... The list goes on and on. I'd pick up a book, read the synopsis, and find myself sighing and putting it back. Nothing seemed right.

As I was making my way to the end of an aisle, a bright, blue book caught my eye. John Ortberg's All The Places To Go practically leapt off the shelf and into my hands. I scanned the back and saw some buzzwords that definitely peaked my interest - Opportunity. Adventure. Challenge. 

Why, hello, God. I see what you did there.

Last post I talked about praying for opportunity and adventure, and suddenly there I was holding a book about those very things. I believe in signs; sometimes they are subtle, and sometimes they smack you in the face. Let's consider this one a smack. 

So I bought it... and a new Bible. 

My old Bible has been with me since Middle School. It is highlighted, personally annotated, stuffed with precious things, and weighs roughly 1000lbs. It is also the size of a country ham. I love my Bible, but for the sake of traveling I went for a sleeker, less ham-sized version of the Word. Plus, now I get to highlight anew and annotate new thoughts and fill with new precious things! New! New! New! 

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, new things have come! - 2 Corinthians 5:17

A new Bible, a new book, a new opportunity to live to life God has planned for me!

Let me tell ya, John Ortberg delivers.

 In fact, I think he wrote this book specifically for me. In the first chapter alone, he hit me with these truth bombs:

"God has placed divine opportunity in your life... an open door. An open door is the great adventure of life because it means the possibility of being useful to God. "
"To fail to embrace the open door is to miss the work God has made for us to do."
"God's primary will for your life is not the achievements you accrue, it is the person you become."

Talk about an inspirational jumpstart! 

My favorite verse has always been Proverbs 16:9, "In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps." That verse, for a multitude of reasons, has always jumped out at me and held fast in my heart as constant reminder that God is in control. I can have all the plans and ideas on the world, but the Lord is calling the shots. Which, to be honest, is probably a good thing. I feel like He's got a much better handle on this thing we call life, seeing as how He created all life and everything else. This book is shedding a whole new light on the verse so dear to my heart. 

An all powerful God - one who created the universe and everything in it - cares enough about me and my insignificant existence, to plan the steps of my life and send opportunities for me to follow him. Divine Opportunities are placed before each and every one of us. We are given a choice: to stay and be comfortable or to go and experience what God has planned. 

Following God is the adventure of a lifetime.

Are you ready?

*cue Indiana Jones theme music*

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