Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Onward to Talladega and Shocco Springs!

Training here in Birmingham has been crazy. I get up early, work all day, and then come home late. It's almost like being back on the ship.

Except for the tiny detail that everyone is service focused and ready to use their gifts for God.

Being in this environment has been like a breath of fresh air.

I grew up in the church, and will be the first to admit that as I got older, found myself becoming less involved. I was always too busy, or had to work, or was tired. I had a lot of excuses for not being involved in church during college and post-college life. I lost that sense of community and love that is so abundant here at Student Life it's almost suffocating.

Everyone wants to show you love, by helping, holding doors, lending a hand, paying for meals, paying for gas, praying for you, spending time with you, laughing, joking, and in general just loving on you.

For someone who has lived alone for two years, happily building up her old-woman status (dinner at 5:30, pjs by 6:00, in bed by 7:00, asleep by 8:00), it's been a bit of a culture shock to be immersed in a group of people that want to spend a lot of time with me and have fellowship all day, every day. So much so, that a solo-trip to Walmart three days ago was the first alone time I'd had since I got to Birmingham. I was on edge and starting to get irrationally angry. So I went to Walmart, alone, and spent almost an hour just wandering the isles and taking some time.

Part of what makes this experience so great is the sense of family and community which is built among teams. At the same time, you get so caught up in being together all the time, that you forget to take a couple minutes of time for yourself. So there I was wandering the aisles of Walmart, not really shopping, just looking, and take time for me. I spent a hour doing this, and it was glorious.

In addition to community among teams and fellow actors, every morning we've started with a staff bible study. Every morning, God has spoken to me in small tiny ways, through our devotions.

Here are just a few things which have really caught my attention:
1. When God calls you to do something, He has a plan, even if you cannot see it. Have faith.
2. God will not send you out alone into this world. He does not forget you.
3. Our gifts and talents come from God. To use them fully, they should also glorify God.
4. God is most glorified in me, when I am satisfied in Him. 
5. We are called by God's grace, because it pleases Him and so we can share His grace with others.

There are many, many more.

While here in Birmingham, I've also had the opportunity to attend different churches. I went to Christ City Church and Iron City Church. Check out their websites, and if you're in the area - do yourself a favor and attend a service. Absolutely amazing places and wonderful atmospheres. These churches are small, but their focus is outward into their communities and their hearts are centered on service. If ever I find myself permanently in Birmingham, I would join one of these churches in a heartbeat.

In closing, I want to touch on something Pastor Jason Cook said at the Sunday evening service at Iron City. His sermon was on Being Content in Christ and what that actually meant. He made a couple statements that rocked me to my core.
1. Contentment's venue is community and it is fueled by eternal perspective.
2. Your singleness is a gift from God; so that you may be focused on His kingdom and His plan and doing the work He has called you for, rather than some boy (or girl) who will only hold you back.

Talk about an inspiring send off.

All Summer Staff members arrive tomorrow and we leave for our training camp at Shocco Springs. Then on Sunday, Orange Team (#OT15) heads out for Covenant College and a summer of spreading the gospel to youths.

I cannot wait to get this show on the road. I'm excited. I'm ready.

Let's do this thing!

Ps - Check social media for various #'s during the summer to keep up. Each camp will have a #, but specific #'s to look out for are #table15 and #OT15. I'll keep you updated with other #'s as the summer goes on!

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